Entrepreneur? Taking The Leap To Being One — Three Quotes To Inspire

Sean Finn
2 min readJun 11, 2019


Entrepreneur In The Making?

Entrepreneur — thinking about taking the leap? If you believe in the idea of a portfolio career & that independent working will increasingly be the norm in the 21st century, then here are, in my opinion, three great quotes in support of the idea. First of all:

What’s In It For You

“Being a successful entrepreneur is about improving society, adding things that were not there before. This includes personal wealth accumulation, but if that was your only target you are nothing more than a miser. The wealth of money is nothing compared with the wealth of being totally free to think, create and innovate at will, and the knowledge that you have added value to society. An entrepreneur is an innovator, inspirer, leader and creator who adds to the lives of customers, staff and shareholders. An entrepreneur’s life is full of excitement, energy, fun, friends and job satisfaction.”

Alex McMillan
“Be Your Best Entrepreneur…And Beyond”


What’s In It For Society

“We need, each and every one of us, to know that we can make a difference. We need business that respects and supports communities and families. We need business that safeguards the environment. We need business that encourages countries to educate their children, heal their sick, value the work of women and respect human rights.”

Anita Roddick


Your Guiding Compass

The Conduct of a True Professional:

“I will create value for society rather than extract it.”

Rakesh Khurana, Harvard Business Professor

Of course these are personal to me and I could have picked out many more but in deciding to do what I now do — setting up Smart-21 & being a business advisor — reading quotes & stories from many other people who had done something similar helped me in coming to more than one decision. Data & research analysis very definitely has its place but so do inspiring stories or quotes. As a result therefore, I hope these give you a start.

